Fan & Build Submissions

Are you ready to be a part of the MTX family? If so, here is your chance to have your build featured throughout the MTX media atmosphere. We want you to submit your most recent pictures of your car, truck, boat, or powersports vehicle equipped with MTX components. By doing so, you can give yourself an opportunity for your build to be featured on social media channels. Our team are looking for the latest trends, innovative builds and how you integrated the latest MTX components into your build.

Read the instructions below on what you need to complete in order to get your vehicle featured:

  •       We are seeking the highest quality images you can submit, the better the clarity the more likely we will use your images.

o   High quality images are encouraged.

  •       Think outside the box when you are taking video or imagery content.
  •       Ensure all your social media handles are correctly inputted.
  •       You can submit more than one image at a time below.

o   All MTX equipment installed in your vehicle. 


We greatly appreciate, taking the time to submit your build images and wanting to be a part of the MTX family!

*by sumbitting you agree to let MTX use your images on MTX social media channels